Strona GłównaPKiM’s theoretical calculations section (PSOT)
PKiM’s theoretical calculations section (PSOT)
On 11th November 2006 PSOT (PKiM’s theoretical calculations section) were found. The founders are: Mariusz Wiśniewski, Przemysław Żołądek and Karol Fietkiewicz.

Founding this section is our answer to:
- Setting up a committee of meteors by IAU,
- IAU plans to create the final list meteor showers of hives in time of three years,
- Creation of international team to develop calculation methods for “MODWG” orbit,
- Horrible stagnation in analysing polish observations caused by lack of manpower,
- Appearance of many people who would like to take care of analyzing data but don’t know how to start,

Section goals:
- Systematisation of theoretical knowledge about meteors,
- Searching for textbooks, articles, manuals and descriptions,
- Developing methods of data analysing,
- Writing programs,
- Reducing collected data,
- Analysing of known activity meteor showers,
- Searching for new meteor showers,
- Propagating collected information,
- Copperating with abroad groups concentrated around meteors..

We are looking for people interested in participating in our section. We don’t require knowledge of meteors. We are building a team of people willing to analyse scientific data. If you are interested don’t hesitate to write to us.